Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world.
Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including:
Circle K International for university students
Key Club for high club students age 14-18
Builders Club for secondary school students age 11-14
Kiwanis Kids for primary school students age 6-12
Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities
Kiwanis members dedicate more than 18 million service hours each year to strengthen communities and serve children. The Kiwanis International family comprises nearly 600,000 adult and youth members in 80 countries and geographic areas.
Members of every age attend regular meetings, experience fellowship, raise funds for various causes and participate in service projects that help their communities. Members also make an impact throughout the world by participating in Kiwanis International’s Global Campaign for Children, The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus.
Learn more about Kiwanis International by visiting www.kiwanis.org.